Our Youtube Channel
Click here to enjoy our videos on our YouTube channel!
These include several DIY on no-till, regenerative methods, as well as inspiring short pieces about of our food justice and education programs.

Read and Gain Inspiration from our Publications:
Our book, Making Love While Farming: A Field Guide to a Life of Passion and Purpose is available through worker-owned Levellers Press.
We are happy to provide our publications here and on other pages in the website as free downloads, but if you are inspired to make a contribution for their use, wonderful, as most were un-funded, but our way of sharing Seeds of Solidarity practices to support your personal, family, and community initiatives.
Our annual newsletters are abundant with stories of our programs and ideas for action. Enjoy our archived newsletters from the past decade:
- Op-Ed on Youth Leadership by Seeds of Solidarity Director Deb Habib
- The Healing Garden Design that we created for Quabbin Retreat; feel free to use it for personal or educational purposes
- A piece we wrote for the winter 2017/18 edition of Edible Pioneer Valley entitled Signs of Solidarity (lots of other great stories and recipes within too!)
- Farming in Solidarity, An interview in the Huffington Post with Seeds of Solidarity founders Deb Habib and Ricky Baruc, Oct 2016
- Small Scale No-till Vegetables at Seeds of Solidarity Farm by Brian Caldwell, Cornell Small Farm Quarterly, October 2016
- Creating the Worm’s Perfect Single’s Bar by Ricky Baruc in the Natural Farmer, Winter 2015-16
- Seeking the Sacred on the Farm – A family art show
- Check here for other recent, free publications! Really great research reports, garden guides, and more.
- We hope you will join our monthly enews too, for updates on our events and inspiring gems for contemplation and action.
- If you are looking to write an article about Seeds of Solidarity, read our media backgrounder, then please give us a call to talk more!
- Our Community Voices: Food, Health and Resiliency. Enjoy this great publication created through interviews gathered by summer 2013 intern Youn Han.
- No Till Gardening for Life.
- Food for the SOL Curriculum.
- Less Trash More Compost.
- Find more of our publications focused on school gardens and educational programs