Welcome! We are so pleased to share Seeds of Solidarity Farm and Education Center programs, resources, and inspiration with you.
Seeds of Solidarity Education Center is a non-profit organization, based in Orange MA, that innovates programs to awaken the power among people of all ages-from toddlers to teens to people who are incarcerated - to Grow Food Everywhere to transform hunger to health, and create resilient lives and communities.

Garlic Saturdays
From noon to 5pm at our farmstand! The garlic is beautiful this year!

Our Book
Check out MakeLoveWhileFarming.org for more info, and order your own copy!

Meet Ricky & Deb
Hear about how Ricky & Deb met, and what led them to start Seeds of Solidarity.

Get Involved
Find out how we're helping our community through programs and let us know how you can help!

Our Farmstand
Plan a visit to the farmstand and check out our handmade furniture and great produce!

Send a Donation
If you would like to make a donation to Seeds of Solidarity, you can do that here, and thank you!