Intro Post

Harmonie Snow

Hello! Nice to meet all of you! I currently live in Lowell, MA with my husband and two cats, Nano and Pico. Over the winter break, I worked on putting my own website together, to use as a hobby site, and portfolio. I plan to keep working on it, with the skills I learn from this semester:

I took the class before this, last semester and really had a good time. I've always been a little intimidated by Photoshop, and will admit I did try to become friends with it when I worked at Constant Contact, but one or both of us would always end up being upset and needing to step away from the computer for a time. (Me, by getting a tea in the breakroom, and photoshop by just crashing or freezing, and then being closed so it could go sulk in a corner of my harddrive.) Last semester really helped me, and gave me some tools to get past that difficulty, so I'm excited to be back again and see where this semester takes me.

For hobbies, I really enjoy certain video games...pre-pandemic I would volunteer at a retail booth at PAX East, and get to see the indie games coming out that year when my shift was over. I'm a big fan of games like Stardew Valley, Celeste and Night in the Woods, but also can easily waste a honest afternoon in Animal Crossing. I love writing, and have played around a little with tools like Twine, that lets you make little text games that can run in a browser. I also cross stitch, knit, and cook quite a lot!

This pandemic, I've really dug into perfecting making homemade ramen from scratch, and have both a chicken and a vegetarian recipe under my belt. My husband got us an Aerogarden for Christmas, so we're distracting ourselves from the more stressful topics of the day, by planning what herbs to grow for cocktails and adding to steaks. I have a couple podcasts I like, mostly Last Podcast on the Left (crime and horror), No Dogs in Space (music history), and Sawbones (medical mishaps and history), and tend to listen to them when it's time to make a big batch of ramen broth or noodles.

I see a lot of names I remember from last semester, which is awesome! I look forward to working with you all again! I've collected a few favorite sites that I like to use for reference material, that I'll post below in case any of them would be helpful to you guys!


See the next week's coursework

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