the logo for 8bit decorated to look like people

Who is 8Bit Hops?

hop cartoon wearing a knit hat

Dylan Burks

Although Dylan is our "person with a plan", you probably won't see him out front, shaking hands and kissing babies. If you peek in the back, though, you'll see him checking on the barrels, or unloading a new delivery. He's always working on something, dressed in his usual plaid shirt. He's the one who got everyone together, and pitched the idea of a place they could brew drinks to share with friends, play games, and enjoy music. When the Old Mill went up for sale, Dylan saw a chance to make some things happen. His drink of choice is a pale ale, but you can bet there's nothing on our menu he hasn't had a hand in developing. On his days off, if he's not sneaking in the back door to help out with something, he's at home with his family and their dog Sion.

hop cartoon with purple hair

Kali Bowden

If Dylan is our guy in the backroom keeping the kegs happy, Kali is usually in our office, booking shows and managing the day to day business of 8bit. She's got it all running like a clock, and keeps our social media and web content updated! Kali went to school with Dylan and Jakob, another local who fell in love with the dream behind 8Bit. In her downtime, Kali raises chickens on her farm and fosters animals for the local shelter. You may also find her at a local club, checking out what bands are playing. Often the acts you'll see at 8Bit were invited by Kali after she saw them at a show. Her drink of choice is a solid stout, usually something with chocolate, but she's also been known to enjoy a cider, especially in the fall.

hop cartoon with a mustache

Salim Gamble

If you like what you see in our Arcade, just know that Salim is the one to thank. Most of our machines are also maintained by him, as Salim is never too far from his soldering iron and workbench. Originally from the UK, Salim moved state-side mid highschool, and found his calling drumming for Maniacal Mechanical Marmoset, a local steampunk band. These days, he's mostly reformed, but still noodles around with the band in his off time. You can usually find him working on one of our vintage game cabinets, whistling one of their songs. He enjoys a glass of bourbon, and is also the one behind our coffee brewing operations. We use Salim's recipe for our cold brew, and any of our beers with coffee flavors have had his help in development.

hop cartoon with a beard

Jakob Davie

Hat collector, beard aficionado and aspiring pro gamer, our Jakob is also the creative mind behind all of 8Bit's merch and our on-site store. Jakob also works daily with our distributors to make sure that our beers are available in your local shops, for when you can't make it down to 8Bit. He makes sure that all our merch is high quality: our hoodies have a soft lining and custom pulltags, and our signature bar glasses are made from tempered glass to resist chipping. He's also the guy behind the 8Bit-themed vapes! On his days off, Jakob puts in some time streaming on his Twitch channel or grilling in his backyard with friends. His preference to drink with steak right off the grill in his backyard, is a nice, cold IPA.

hop cartoon with headphones

Zackor Grayson

If you've ever been enjoying a tasty meal at 8Bit and noticed music coming from the kitchen, you've been here when Zackor is around. Many a latenight planning session in the early days before we opened, were around a table with Zackor's handmade fajitas or stirfry. He's the madman behind our hydroponic kitchen garden, where many of the ingredients and herbs we use are grown on-site, including the chilis in our "Hot Sauce" ale. Everything on our menu, beer included, has been developed under his discriminating eye. When you sit down for a meal here, you can trust that you've got Zackor's personal invitation to enjoy and be welcome. He's been known to come hang out if the kitchen slows down, with a nice saison or farmhouse ale. In his off time, Zackor lets loose by enjoying the great outdoors, or writing music to share on our ChipStage. If you see LemonZ on the calendar, come by sometime for a set!