Web Development

Week 10: 11.1 to 11.7

Week 10 let us take a look at our classmates sites, and I was proud to say I did like mine the best, although it was very helpful to see how another person had decided to structure the same information. For my own self-reflection, I have a few aspects of the design I would touch up, like adding more images and content. I was very intrigued by Seeds of Solidarity's goals, and thought there was room here to retake some of their photos and give a more thorough impression of the work they do.

I will admit that I am usually the kind of person to not use an outline or first draft, but going through this process helped me have time to flesh out my ideas. I think this website holds up better, because I had to go at a very even pace, and was able to spend dedicated time with each element. From here, the next step would be to get user and analytics feedback, to see if the design works as well in practice.

- H