Web Development

Week 1: 9.1 to 9.5

Bio: Harmonie Snow

Web Designer

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Where to start, well. My name's Harmonie, and I'm in this class to refine and grow my web design skills. I learned my first few bits of html way back in the early 2000s, because I had a mighty need to make the headline text on my LJ speed across the screen. Now, in the more sedate days of our shared world-wide web, "marquee" has been outlawed, although I do still think of it fondly. I started my more focused study a couple years ago, when I started working at Constant Contact. As part of my job, I would help customers troubleshoot the design of their marketing campaigns, and this often meant going into the html and css behind what they could interact with, and removing extra span and divs.

When the world stopped last year, I stayed home and played Animal Crossing for a few months, but after a little while, found myself coming back to old projects. I decided it was time to formalize my skills, fill in the gaps and pursue a career in the Web Design World. My partner is an alumni of UML, so I looked there first, and decided to give the Certificate program a shot. I've really enjoyed my classes, and find myself wanting to open up VSCode to poke around at my own site, just for fun. It's the simplicity of the technology, and the elegance of a good design, that attracts me. I'm focused on making my designs clean and easy to interact with, with an eye towards accessibility. My partner works in the open source world, and I would like to get to a point where I can contribute and support design projects that help make the web more usable for more people.

As for interests, fiction writing is another strong love of mine. I've been writing short stories since I was little, and while many of them are not going to be on a bestseller list anytime soon, I've developed a love of the story. I grew up with a grandfather who loved to tell tall tales, such as the one about his butter-sculpting kit he kept in the secret room behind the fireplace. He could make you almost believe just about anything, until you caught him having trouble keeping a straight face and you'd realize it was a joke. From him, I got my love of writing, of connecting to the stories of people around you. In my off time, I've got a few story ideas that I use Scrivener to flesh out, and I often take pictures as reference, or jot down a phrase in my notes app.

My "current" resume hasn't been updated to show my efforts here at UML, but it'll give you an idea of what I was up to in the past.